Zone Technique
The six Zones of the human body

How the Zones work:
Dr. Fleet, the original creator of the Zone Technique in 1930, taught the following – “there are only six kinds of disturbances that can affect the human body. These are GLANDULAR, ELIMINATIVE, NERVOUS, DIGESTIVE, MUSCULAR, and CIRCULATORY. All diseased conditions, aches and pains, and other discomforts experienced by the body can be attributed to one or more of the above disturbances to the body’s 6 systems or Zones.”
According to Dr. Fleet, the human brain is composed of many centers. These centers form in the embryonic stage of life and develop from the dorso-medial ectoderm of the embryo. There is a center which controls the glands of the body, a center which is associated with the organs of elimination, a center which regulates the central nervous system, and which is differentiated as an ectodermal neural plate in the dorso-medial region of the ectoderm.
The digestive organs are regulated by a brain center. In the motor cortex of the brain we find a center which controls all of the muscles of the body, and in the caudate nuclei (both), we find the center which regulates the flow of fluids (circulation) through the body.
Because the body may be properly classified as an ELECTRICAL MACHINE, these 6 brain centers represent the POSITIVE POLE of the body, and specific related points in the spinal cord represent the NEGATIVE POLE of the body. When there is a disturbance in any of the bodily areas, one or more of these centers are “shorted out.”
There has been a disruption of normal function of the entire center due to the effect of emotional, physical, or chemical stress.
The Zone doctor examines the patient to determine which of the brain centers are not in harmony with the systems they control. This is done by the Zone doctor feeling specific points on the patient’s head. These points are related to the six brain centers by nerve connections. When a brain center is not sending the proper signals to its system, all bodily material associated with that system suffers. In order to correct this, the zone doctor stimulates specific points in the spinal cord.
There are six sets of four points in the spinal cord (negative pole) that are related to the six brain centers (positive pole). Stimulation of the proper points by the Zone doctor sends healing energy up the spinal cord to the brain centers that need balancing. The balanced brain centers then are able to send out the proper signals to the body’s systems and the body is better able to heal itself.
- The glandular system. This system involves the pineal gland, pituitary gland, thyroid, uterus and ovaries, prostate and gonads, and several other glands. They are responsible for important bodily functions related memory, energy, appetite regulation, sleep, and relaxation.
- The eliminative system. The eliminative system includes all of the organs involved in waste elimination, such as the kidneys, bladders, skin, and lungs. This system is designed to reduce toxin buildup within the body which, in turn, helps strengthen immune function, eases respiratory function, and reduces bloating.
- The nervous system.The brain and spinal cord (the central nervous system) and all of the other nerves (the peripheral nervous system), and that each one responsible for a different function. For instance, some contribute to better mood and improved sleep, whereas others promote eye and ear health or balance the body’s hormones.
- The digestive system. The human body needs certain nutrients to survive and the digestive system is responsible for taking these nutrients from the food sources we eat and breaking them down so they are more available for the cells that need them. This helps normalize weight, while also boosting energy.
- The muscular system. The muscular system includes muscles, tendons, and ligaments as all of these soft tissues are responsible for helping the body move more freely and without pain or tenderness. This system is also responsible for our strength, flexibility, and ability to retain balance.
- The circulatory system. To function efficiently, the body’s cells need to intake nutrients and oxygen and expel waste. The circulatory system assists with this process by circulating blood-based “carriers” responsible for picking up and dropping off these substances, sending them through the body at a normal pressure and rate.